Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Carry Bay Reflection, oil on canvas, 9" x 12"

It's been a long winter of painting, working indoors from studies that were started outside last summer and fall. In the new work, I have been concentrating on techniques that will illuminate my paintings to try and capture the radiant light I find in the islands. I have been starting with transparent washes of bright color before painting in the final colors.

I've just returned from a field trip to Connecticut, and a visit to the Florence Griswold Museum in Old Lyme. I saw a wonderful exhibition of American Impressionists from the Lyme Art Colony. This museum is such a treasure, and well worth the trip. It was interesting to see work by so many women in the collection. The museum's website is www.FlorenceGriswoldMuseum.org, if you'd like to know more.