Friday, April 26, 2013

A Celebration of one of Vermont's Beautiful Rivers

  Missisquoi Kayak Wanderings, oil on canvas, 30" x 30" 
The painting above is one of a series of larger works that I completed over the winter.  I never seem to tire of the beautiful Missisquoi river as a subject. It is one of my favorite places to kayak.  It is always changing; last year the river was very low, now in April it is running high again, overflowing its banks. It is truely a treasure of northern Vermont.
Orange Grasses, oil on canvas, 24" x 30"
This Painting, "Orange Grasses" is one of two paintings that will be included in the "Art on the Refuge" show at the Missisquoi National Refuge open house in Swanton Vermont, from May 18 through July 20. A portion of the proceeds from sales of these paintings will be donated to Friends of the Refuge, an organization that sponsers conservation and preservation,  many events throughout the summer, bird walks and canoe tours to the great blue heron rookery in the Missisquoi Bay each year.  The open house at the refuge will be Saturday May 18, from 10:00  - 3:00 with presentations at 1:00 on birds of the region, and at 2:00 for the art exhibit.  I hope if you are in the area, you will drop in!