Monday, May 16, 2011

Landscape Alterations

We have been having some serious floods here on ILM. Not the best conditions for painting out of doors, but thanks to our heroic road crews, I am able to get on the road again. I should be back in the routine of painting outdoors soon. It will be interesting to see the alterations in the shoreline as the lake recedes.

In the Yellow Field, oil on canvas, 10" x 10"

$ 350.00

The new work coming out of the studio has been a series of small paintings, in a square format. I have been lightening and intensifying colors. It is still a struggle for me to loosen up with the brushwork, and push the colors, but it is a process. I have a busy summer coming up, so there will be plenty of opportunities for improvement.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Carry Bay Reflection, oil on canvas, 9" x 12"

It's been a long winter of painting, working indoors from studies that were started outside last summer and fall. In the new work, I have been concentrating on techniques that will illuminate my paintings to try and capture the radiant light I find in the islands. I have been starting with transparent washes of bright color before painting in the final colors.

I've just returned from a field trip to Connecticut, and a visit to the Florence Griswold Museum in Old Lyme. I saw a wonderful exhibition of American Impressionists from the Lyme Art Colony. This museum is such a treasure, and well worth the trip. It was interesting to see work by so many women in the collection. The museum's website is, if you'd like to know more.